Lithium Trim Serum
SKU: 15_LIT-10-001

$51.05 each
4.44232 5 52 Product
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Like you may have guessed, we love cars. Everything about them. And all we have ever wanted to do is develop and formulate products that make them better. Trim Serum was really one of those pinnacle moments for us, when you spend to much time in the trial and error phase of something and are about ready to say, “Screw this &@!@&#!” But instead, you try one last time—okay, four or five last times—and that extra effort makes all the difference. It’s a lesson we take to heart around here—good enough bites.. So, we keep toiling until that sweet spot is found.

A bit of too much drama?

Maybe so, but every time we use this product and see the results firsthand, a little bell rings in auto heaven, and some detailer gets his hose. If that doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, the look of your car when you are done, will. 



  • Highly concentrated, top-shelf ingredients that are never cut or watered down, so it will outlast ‘em all
  • Transforms weathered and oxidized rubber and plastic; your trim will look brand new in seconds
  • Protects and keeps all rubber and plastic from drying out, cracking, and oxidizing.


Brand URL : https://nationaldetailpros.com
Brand: National Detail ProsNational Detail Pros
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