You may cancel a scheduled detail DIRECTLY with National Detail Pros (not the detail professional) more than 1 calendar day (not 24 hours, but 1 full calendar day) before your original appointment date (not a rescheduled appointment that was rescheduled within the cancellation period) without incurring any cancellation fees or charges. If the weather is bad and you need to reschedule your appointment there are no rescheduling fees or cancellation fees if the appointment is rescheduled (rescheduling a detail does not allow for a new cancellation window which would create a loophole) and is subject to soonest availability of the detail professional. We hold your specific appointment day and time for you and cannot schedule other customers in this window and because of this our cancellation fee is as follows: The fee for not cancelling more than 1 day before your appointment is 25% of your requested detail. In the case that you've requested a rush service, you will also be charged the full rush fee. Rush services require us to rearrange our schedule, call in detailers from out of the area, or detailers that are off to accommodate your rush needs, so no refunds are given on the rush fee portion of the detail request. If the detail professional shows up on site and you wish to cancel your detail appointment before the detailer commences upon the work, you'll be charged a 50% cancellation fee for the travel and time involved with the detail professional coming to the primes. If the detail professional commences upon the work and you wish to cancel, you'll be charged the full amount of the detail. If you cancel only part of a service within the cancellation window, that service will be subject to 25% cancellation fee.

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