SKU: 6_HRK-01

$39.61 each
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Headlight kit will repair the hazy, foggy, yellowish look that is created from the sun. Kit contains 3 grades of wet/dry paper and a lubricating spray. Once sanded simply apply a thin coat of the resin seal the lens from becoming oxidized again. Kit will repair approximately 12 headlights.

Restores dull, discolored, yellowed headlights to the clarity of like new:

*improves headlight performance

*increases night vision illumination

*saves cost of replacing headlights

*improves vehicle appearance

Easy to apply, two step process:

*Removes oxidized yellow surface layer, imbedded grime, and contaminants without damaging plastic surface

*Seals and protects lens surface from future deterioration

*Contents suitable for up to six vehicles (12 headlights)



Determine what level of oxidation is on the headlight:

*Level 3/ Heavy Oxidation requires 3 finishing steps using all 3 grades of microfinishing grit sheets.  Using the heavy grit sheet and lens cleaner prep, lightly rub in a back and forth motion removing the heavy oxidation.  Repeat using an up and down motion. Repeat both motions a second time.  Then proceed to Level 2.

*Level 2/ Medium Oxidation requires 2 finishing steps.  Using the medium grit sheet and lens cleaner prep, lightly rub in a back and forth horizontal motion, and then a vertical motion.   Repeat once again and proceed to Level 1.

* Level 1/ Light Oxidation requires a minimum amount of finishing using the light grit sheet and lens cleaner prep.  Then, apply the Lens Seal Kote with the foam brush.


1) Determine level of oxidation

2) Using masking tape, mask perimeter of headlights to prevent scratching unwanted areas

3) Use Lens Cleaner Prep to finish in all 3 steps. This works as a lubricant for the grit sheets and a cleaner.

4) After following the steps, to remove the oxidation, clean one final time with lens cleaner prep

5) Put on gloves and apply Lens Seal Kote to the 2" poly foam brush and apply to headlight.   Turn on headlight for faster dry time.




Brand URL : https://nationaldetailpros.com
Brand: National Detail ProsNational Detail Pros
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